23rd January, 2020 first Corona case was confirmed in Nepal. He was a 31 years old student returned from Wuhan, China on 9th of January 2020. It took 4 and a half month to cross 100 cases of corona in Nepal. The country was abiding complete lockdown from 24th of March, 2020. The stats started to grow at a slow rate but started peaking and set new records everyday out of which 740 positive cases was the highest single day corona case recorded on 3rd July, 2020. By this time every other country was suffering badly in terms of positive cases. More testing means more cases which is good in a sense that the virus can be detected in people in early phase and others can be alerted so that it doesn’t spread further. Every other country was following the lockdown strictly but since every coin has two sides, escaping from virus by staying home decrease the resources for surviving and f...